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Course Overview

XPath 3 is the latest version of the XML Path Language, a query language for selecting nodes in XML documents. It supersedes XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0. XPath 3.0 became a W3C Recommendation on 8 April 2014, while XPath 3.1 became a W3C Recommendation on 21 March 2017. we provide XPath 3.0 and 3.1 Training Online with real-time experts trainers.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


All attendees should understand the fundamentals of XML.


5  days

Course Outline

  1. What is XPath?
  2. Expressions
  3. Sequences
  4. XPath version history
  1. Absolute and Relative Location Paths
    1. Absolute Location Path
    2. Relative Location Path
  2. Steps
    1. Axis
    2. Node test
      1. by name
      2. by kind
      3. by type
    3. Predicates
    4. Abbreviated Syntax
  1. Literal Expressions
  2. Conditional Expressions
  3. Logical Expressions
  4. Sequence Expressions
  5. For Expressions
  6. Quantified Expressions
  7. Comparison Expressions
  8. Arithmetic Expressions
  9. String Concatenation Expressions
  10. Let Expressions
  11. Expressions on SequenceTypes
  1. Inline Functions
  2. Higher Order Functions
    1. Built-in Higher Order Functions
      1. for-each()
      2. filter()
      3. fold-left()
      4. fold-right()
      5. for-each-pair()
  3. Function Composition
  4. Partial Functions
  5. Closures
  1. XPath Operators
    1. New operators in XPath 3.0
      1. Concat operator
      2. Map operator
  1. Accessors
  2. Numeric Functions
    1. Functions on Numbers
    2. Parsing Numbers
    3. Formatting Numbers
    4. Formatting Integers
    5. Trigonometric and exponential functions
  3. String Functions
    1. Functions to assemble and disassemble strings
    2. Comparison of strings
    3. Functions on string values
    4. Functions based on substring matching
    5. String functions that use regular expressions
  4. Functions that manipulate URIs
  5. Functions on Boolean values
    1. Boolean constant functions
    2. Functions on boolean values
  6. Functions on durations
    1. Component extraction functions on durations
  7. Functions on dates and times
    1. Constructing a dateTime
    2. Component extraction functions on dates and times
    3. Timezone adjustment functions on dates and times
    4. Formatting dates and times
  8. Functions related to QNames
    1. Functions to create a QName
    2. Functions related to QNames
  9. Functions on nodes
  10. Functions on sequences
    1. General functions on sequences
    2. Functions that compare values in sequences
    3. Functions that test the cardinality of sequences
    4. Aggregate Functions
    5. Functions on node identifiers
    6. Functions giving access to external information
    7. Parsing and serializing
  11. Context functions
  12. Higher-order functions
    1. Functions on functions
    2. Basic higher-order functions
  13. Constructor functions
    1. Constructor functions for XML Schema built-in atomic XML Schema types
    2. Constructor functions for XML Schema built-in list types
    3. Constructor functions for user defined simple types
  1. Arrays
  2. Built-in Array Functions
    1. array:size()
    2. array:get()
    3. array:append()
    4. array:subarray()
    5. array:remove()
    6. array:insert-before()
    7. array:head()
    8. array:tail()
    9. array:reverse()
    10. array:join()
    11. array:for-each()
    12. array:filter()
    13. array:fold-left()
    14. array:fold-right()
    15. array:for-each-pair()
    16. array:sort()
    17. array:flatten()
  3. Maps
    1. Built-in Map Functions
      1. map:size()
      2. map:get()
      3. map:put()
      4. map:merge()
      5. map:keys()
      6. map:contains()
      7. map:entry()
      8. map:remove()
      9. map:for-each()
  4. JSON
    1. Built-in JSON Functions
      1. parse-json()
      2. json-doc()
  5. Other new XPath 3.1 Features
    1. New XPath 3.1 Operators
      1. Lookup operator
      2. Arrow operator
    2. New XPath 3.1 Functions
      1. contains-token()
      2. parse-ietf-date()
      3. random-number-generator()
      4. sort()
