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Course Overview
IBM WebSphere refers to a brand of computer software products in the genre of enterprise software known as “application and integration middleware”. These software products are used by end-users to create applications and integrate applications with other applications.
WebSphere is a set of Java-based tools from IBM that allows customers to create and manage sophisticated business Web sites. The central WebSphere tool is the WebSphere Application Server (WAS), an application server that a customer can use to connect Web site users with Java applications or servlets. Servlets are Java programs that run on the server rather than on the user’s computer as Java applets do. Servlets can be developed to replace traditional common gateway interface (cgi) scripts, usually written in C or Practical Extraction and Reporting Language, and run much faster because all user requests run in the same process space.
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
Familiarity with the IT industry, the World Wide Web and e-Business fundamentals are required.
5 days
Course Outline
- Workbench Features
- What’s New
- Workspaces and Perspectives
- Enabling Roles and Capabilities
- Creating Projects and Setting Project Properties
- Building Projects
- Adding Application Components
- Using Editors and Views
- View Toolbars and Fast Views
- Customizing Perspectives and Creating User Defined Perspectives
- Navigating the Workspace and Using Bookmarks
- Working with the Tasks and Search Views
- Using Working Sets and Local History
- Getting Help and Using Cheat Sheets
- Enterprise Application Overview and Development Cycle
- J2EE Architecture and Containers
- Applet, Servlet and JSP Overviews
- EJB, JMS and RMI Over IIOP
- JavaMail, JAF, JAAS and JACC
- XML and JAXP
- New in J2EE 1.4
- Web Services Support: JAX-RPC, SAAJ, Web Services for J2EE and JAXR
- J2EE Connector, Management and Deployment
- Development Roles and Deployment Descriptors
- J2EE Deployable Units
- Assembly Process
- Packaging Checklist
- Creating Enterprise Application Projects
- Importing Resources
- Adding J2EE Modules and Utility JARs
- JAR Dependency Editor
- Using the Application Editor
- Deployment Descriptor Elements (EJB, Web, Connector, Client and Application)
- IBM Extensions and Bindings
- Exporting Resources
- Creating Diagrams
- Class Diagram Editor Features
- Visualizing Java Components
- Adding Fields and Methods
- Defining Relationships
- EJB and Web Service Components
- Customizing the Display
- Generating Browse and Topic Diagrams
- Modeling Preferences
- What is RUP?
- Launching the Process Advisor
- Searching for RUP Guidance
- Using the Process Browser
- Process Browser Features
- Process Preferences
- What’s New
- Creating Packages and Classes
- Java Editor Features
- Pop-up Outlines and Folding
- Code and Content Assist
- Import Assistance and Refactoring
- Generating, Overriding and Implementing Methods
- Quick Fix Capabilities
- Using the Declaration, Problems and Console Views
- Outline Options and Source Actions
- Productivity Tips and Keyboard Shortcuts
- Visual Editor Features
- Creating Visual Classes
- Adding Beans from the Palette
- Editing Bean Attributes and Arranging Beans
- Using the Java Beans View
- Event Handling
- Binding Components
- Using Content Assist Templates
- Testing Visual Classes
- New Debugging Features
- Debug Options and Views
- Line Breakpoints, Exception Breakpoints, Method Breakpoints and Watchpoints
- Breakpoint Properties: Defining Conditional Breakpoints and Hit Counts
- Breakpoint Filtering
- Importing and Exporting Breakpoints
- Debug Actions
- Remote Debugging
- Creating Web Projects and Specifying
- Project Configurations and Facets
- Annotation-based Programming
- Web Project Structure and Default Files
- Creating Servlets, Filters and Listeners
- Using the Properties View
- Editing the Web Deployment Descriptor
- Defining IBM Extensions and Bindings
- Creating a JSP
- Page Designer Toolbars and Views
- Using and Customizing the Palette View
- Adding Basic HTML Tags, Tables and Form Tags
- Inserting JavaBeans and Standard JSP Tags
- Defining Styles and Editing Style Sheets
- Page Properties
- HTML Syntax Validation and Document Cleanup
- Scripting Variables
- Using Content Assist and the Quick Edit View
- Using and Customizing the Snippets View
- New Features
- Test Environments
- Server Types and Resources
- Defining a Server
- Running Applications on a Server
- Defining the Target Server
- Servers View and Actions
- Editing the Server Configuration for WebSphere V6 and V6.1
- Embedding Deployment Information in an Application
- Reloading Resources Running on the Server
- WebSphere Administration Command Assist
- WebSphere Profiles
- Web Site Designer Features and Views
- Adding Pages to a Web Site
- Defining Web Site Structure
- Creating and Applying Page Templates
- Web Site Navigation
- Fixing Links
- Recommendations and Limitations
- New JSF Features
- Faces Projects
- Creating a Faces JSP
- JSF Widget Library
- Adding Input Components
- Displaying Error Messages
- Using the Quick Edit, Properties and Page Data Views
- Editing Page Code
- Adding Navigation Rules
- Defining Validation and Behavior
- AJAX Overview
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Using AJAX with Enhanced JSF Components
- Adding Panel Components
- AJAX Request Types
- Configuring Parameters and Specifying Events
- Views that Support AJAX
- Defining Dynamic Behavior
- Configuring Struts Support
- Creating Struts Modules
- Adding Struts Components
- Using the Web Diagram Editor
- Configuring Actions, Action Mappings, Forwards, Exceptions and Form Beans
- Configuring Data Sources, Controller Attributes, Message Resources and Plug-ins
- Struts Preferences
- Using the Database Explorer
- Creating and Connecting to a Database
- Creating Data Development and Data Design Projects
- Working with Data Diagrams
- Adding a Table or View
- Adding Keys, Columns, Indexes and Relationships
- Generating DDL and Deploying From RAD
- Using the Data Output and SQL Scrapbook Views
- Creating EJB Projects and EJB Client Projects
- Annotation-Based Programming
- Creating Session Beans and Message-Driven Beans
- Promoting Methods and Using EJB Snippets
- Editing the EJB Deployment Descriptor
- Generating Deployment Code
- Testing EJBs
- JUnit Support
- Creating and Running Tests
- Analyzing Test Results
- Guidelines and Recommendations
- Using the Test Perspective
- Test Types
- Creating TPTP Tests
- Defining Test Methods and Behavior
- Creating Test Deployments, Artifacts and Locations
- Specifying Test Data
- Running Tests and Analyzing Execution Results
- Report Generation
- Organizing Build Files
- Using the Ant Editor
- Running Build Files: Editing Properties and Selecting Targets
- Configuring the Environment
- Defining the Classpath and JRE
- Ant Preferences
- RAD Extended Ant Support
- Rule Categories and Rules
- Static Analysis Configuration
- Running Static Analysis
- Viewing Analysis Results
- Resolving Rule Violations
- Creating and Editing XML documents
- XML Editor Features
- Adding Grammar Information
- DTD Editor
- Adding Declarations to a DTD
- XML Schema Editor
- Adding Elements to an XML Schema
- The XML Catalog
- Using the XSL Editor
- Adding XSL Elements
- Creating XPath Expressions
- Using the XML to XML Mapping Editor
- Running and Debugging XSL Transformations
- What’s New
- Development Approaches
- Runtime Environments: Apache Axis and IBM WebSphere
- WS-I Compliance
- Creating a Bottom-Up and Top-Down Web Services
- Creating an Axis Web Service
- Testing the Web Service
- Specifying Deployment and Editing WSDL
- Using the TCP/IP Monitor and the Web Services Explorer
- Generated Files
- Understanding Profiling Concepts and the Profiling Process
- Profiling Architecture, Resources and Agents
- Using the Profiling and Logging Perspective
- Starting a Server in Profiling Mode
- Launching and Attaching to a Process
- Defining Profiling Settings and Filters
- Views for Performance Analysis and Code Coverage
- Using Sequence Diagrams and Viewing Statistics
- Analyzing Method Invocation and Execution Flow
- Identifying Memory Leaks, Collecting Object References and Monitoring Garbage Collection
- ProbeKit
- Testing Performance: Recording, Running and Analyzing Performance Tests
- Common Base Event Model
- Problem Determination Process
- Analyzer Features and Preferences
- Importing Log Files
- Using Symptom Databases
- Log and Trace Analyzer Views
- Filtering and Sorting Log Entries
- Log Analysis and Correlation