Spring MVC




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Course Overview

Spring MVCSpring MVC, a Java Model-View-Contraller (MVC) web framework, which builds on the Spring Inversion of control(IoC) framework, extensive use of the Springs features make the Spring MVC framework highly decouple the components dependency and simplify the whole MVC configuration

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


  1. Basic knowledge of Java and JSP.
  2. Prior experience with EJB and Java web services is recommended .


5 days

Course Outline

  1. ApplicationContext
  2. Dependency Injection
  3. Annotation and XML based configuration
  1. Using the ContextLoaderListener to create an ApplicationContext
  2. Using WebApplicationContextUtils to access the ApplicaitonContext
  1. Overview and comparisons to other frameworks
  2. Spring MVC architecture
  3. The parts of a Spring MVC application
  4. Spring MVC configuration
  1. Declaring Annotation based controllers Controller
  2. Mapping URLs to controllers RequestMapping
  3. Input parameters RequestParam
  4. Using logical view names InternalResourceViewResolver
  1. Creating ‘Model’ objects (ModelAttribute)
  2. Pre populating Forms
  3. Handling POST requests
  4. Introduction to Spring form tags
  1. PropertyEditors
  2. Handling Errors
  3. Conversion Service, Formatters and Converters
  1. LocaleResolvers
  2. LocaleChangeInterceptor
  1. Spring Validation :how it works, creating custom validators, invoking validation in controllers
  2. JSR 303 Validation : how it works, creating custom validators, invoking JSR303 validation in controller
  1. Other ViewResolvers :BeanNameViewResolver, XmlViewResolver, Resource Bundle View Resolver
  2. Using Multiple View Resolvers
  3. Integrating Tiles
  4. Creating custom Views
  1. Handler Mappings : Default Handler Mapping, Using to handle static requests, Simple URL Handler Mapping
  2. Creating a ‘legacy’ Controller
  3. Handling unexpected exceptions using Simple Mapping Exception Resolver
  4. Creating a Handler Interceptor using HandlerInterceptors
  1. Using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
  2. DirtiesContext
  3. Using Spring Mock Objects to test Controllers
