Sharepoint End User Developer

Live Online & Classroom Enterprise Training Course

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Mastering SharePoint Online: Essential End User Training for Efficient Collaboration and Productivity

Course Overview

SharePoint is cloud- and web-based technology that makes it easy to Keep, share and handle digital data inside a business. SharePoint 2016 is a browser-based collaboration, or an extensible platform for creating sites within the intranet environment which is developed by Microsoft. The previous two versions are MOSS 2007 and SharePoint 2010.This is latest version of SharePoint that is currently present in the market. The main features of SharePoint 2013 are UI – A very Rich UI compared to previous versions, Social Computing – A feature which helps in creating a Facebook like environment within your corporate portal, Search – A feature which allows you to create a private search engine for the sites, generating SharePoint apps that you will be creating within the SharePoint.

Sharepoint end user training Details

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


Strong SharePoint 2010 or 2013 end user skills or have attended “Introduction to SharePoint 2013 for Collaboration and Document Management” or similar.


5 days

Course Outline

  1. SharePoint 2013 Introduction
  1. SharePoint List Basics
  1. Library Templates
  2. Creating Libraries
  3. Managing Documents and Versioning
  1. Site Templates
  2. Creating Sites
  3. Site Navigation
  1. Wiki Library Pages
  2. Web Part Pages
  3. Working with Web Parts
  1. Creating a Forms Library
  2. Creating InfoPath Forms
  3. Publishing InfoPath Forms to SharePoint
  1. Site Column Gallery
  2. Creating Site Columns
  3. Site Content Type Gallery
  4. Creating Content Types
  1. Excel Integration
  2. Outlook Integration
  3. Access Integration
  1. SharePoint Groups
  2. Assigning Permissions
  3. Permission Levels
  4. Permissions Inheritance
  1. Configure User Profiles and My Sites
  2. Newsfeeds
  3. People Newsfeeds
  4. Document Newsfeed
  5. Site Newsfeed
  6. Tag Newsfeed
  7. Managing Personal Sites
