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Selenium Course Online : Benefits Costs and Best Courses

This training is offered as a series of hands-on “projects” that require participants to understand, design, and implement components of an automated testing framework.

Full Selenium tutorial:Course details

  1. Install and configure the necessary components needed to run Selenium successfully
  2. Identify and inspect objects and attributes on a variety of browsers
  3. Develop reusable functions as part of creating a Selenium automated framework
  4. Enhance and maintain a Selenium framework


  1. A background in programming (e.g. Java) and/or scripting and understanding of basic Selenium features.


2 days

Course Outline

  1. Overview of Selenium
  2. Selenium Intro – why and how it was created
  3. What’s new with Selenium 3
  4. Selenium IDE
  5. Exporting pre-recorded test scenario in IDE to WebDriver, and executing it
  6. Selenium Standalone- talk about server and libs
  7. Locators in Selenium
  8. Reporting
  9. Continuous Integration
  10. The Selenium Grid
  11. Jenkins Continuous Integration
  12. GitHub
  13. Overview of Java – Setup
  14. Eclipse
  15. Java
  16. Overview Framework Design
  17. Keyword Driven
  18. Page Object Model (POM)
  1. Overview of WebDriver
  2. Working with other drivers (OperaDriver, FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, IE Driver, etc.)
  3. Understanding Desired Capabilities
  4. Chrome Specific
  5. IE Specific
  6. Firefox Specific
  7. Safari Specific
  8. Object Structure
  9. Proxy JSON Objects
  10. Installations
  11. Eclipse
  12. Selenium Standalone
  13. Selenium IDE
  14. Java
  1. Overview of Selenium IDE
  2. Introduction of Selenese Command Types
  3. Firebug for Firefox Browser
  4. Locators in Selenium
  5. Introduction of Web Technologies (Locators and Identifiers) – HTML, XML, XPath, CSS and DOM
  6. Framework Examples – begin development
  7. Keyword Driven
  8. Page Object Model (POM)
  1. Selenium with Java and TestNG
  2. Configuring Build Path
  3. Setting up TestNG in Eclipse
  4. Understanding TestNG annotation and test case flow
  5. Fundamentals of Java for Webdriver programming
  6. Numerical Data Type and Numerical Operators
  7. Boolean Data Type and Operators
  8. Conditional Statements [IF], and [While] Loops
  9. Conditional Statement [SWITCH]
  10. Loop [FOR]
  11. String Data type and functions
  12. Command Line Parameters
  13. Arrays
  14. Object Oriented Programing Concepts
  15. Error Handling
  16. Reporting
  17. Framework Example – Continue development
  18. Keyword Driven
  19. Page Object Model (POM)
  1. Working with Test Cases
  2. Automating HTML Elements text fields, buttons, links, check box, drop-down etc.
  3. Including verifications and assertions into test case
  4. Parameterizing values for test cases
  5. Selenium Action Commands
  6. Handling Web Table
  7. Handling Drop Down elements
  8. The Selenium Grid
  9. Executing the same test on multiple browsers
  10. Framework Example – Continue development
  11. Keyword Driven
  12. Page Object Model (POM)
  1. Selenium for Mobile Web Testing
  2. iOS
  3. Android
  4. Sub-classing elements as Mobile Elements
  5. Maven Packaging, Management, and distribution
  6. Jenkins Continuous Integration
  7. GitHub
