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Course Overview

Requirejs is an open source JavaScript module loader and mostly used to improve script file loading times and to simply add external libraries.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:




5 days

Course Outline

  1. Getting Started With RequireJS
  2. Introduction to the Sample Project
  3. Downloading and Including RequireJS
  1. Using External Libraries as Dependencies
  2. Asynchronous Module Definition
  3. Defining AMD Modules
  4. The Module Design Pattern
  5. Define the Remaining Modules
  6. Simplified CommonJS Wrapper
  1. Define Remote Modules
  2. Using Subdirectories
  3. Performance Implications of Remote Modules
  1. Build Environment and Running r.js
  2. Optimization Result
  3. Debugging and Source Maps
  4. Build Profiles
  1. Base Url
  2. Paths
  3. Shim
  4. Config
  5. WaitSeconds
  6. Deps and Callback
  7. UrlArgs
  1. Text Plugin
  2. Handlebars Plugin
  3. Custom Plugin
  1. Jasmine
  2. Testing RequireJS Modules
  3. Squire
