
Course Overview

At the end of knockout.js training course, participants will learn how Knockout works, various debugging techniques for declarative HTML and JavaScript view models, exploring data context and observables, uses of custom bindings, the power of subscriptions, custom functions and performance tuning.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:



2 days

Course Outline

  1. Debugging Knockout Code
  2. Using Conditional Breakpoints
  3. Evaluating Expressions
  4. Checking Scope
  5. Changing Code on the Fly in the Browser
  6. Locating and Timing XHR Calls
  1. Inspecting Declarative Bindings
  2. Inspecting Bindings With a Computed
  3. Moving Debug Logic to from HTML to JavaScript
  4. Cycles in Object Graphs
  5. Custom toJson Function
  6. Enabling the Binding Handler
  7. Testing the Dump Binding
  8. KnockoutJS Chrome PlugIn
  9. Examining Context Changes
  1. Extending Your Bindings
  2. Creating a Binding Handler
  3. UI and Animation
  4. 3rd Party Control Scenario
  5. Using the Bootstrap Typeahead
  6. Data Binding the Typeahead
  7. Designing a Binding Handler
  8. Writing the Typeahead Handler
  1. Triggering Disposal of a Computed
  2. Deferring Evaluation
  3. The Case for a Writeable Computed
  4. Using Computeds Wisely
  1. Managing Events and Performance
  2. Advantages of Event Delegation
  3. Bindings on Each Row
  4. Adding jQuery Event Delegation
  5. How to Use the Delegated Binding Handler
  6. Refactoring for the Binding Handler
  1. Efficient Knockout
  2. Bindings All At Once
  3. Understanding Array Updates
  4. Creating the Array Performance Demo
  5. Testing Observable Array Performance
  6. Using the Underlying Array
  7. Testing Large Array Performance
  8. Improving Large Array Performance
  9. Tracking Re-Evaluations
  10. Time to Throttle
  11. Throttling Local Data
  12. Throttling Ajax
