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Course Overview

Grails is an open source web application framework that uses the Groovy programming language (which is in turn based on the Java platform). It is intended to be a high-productivity framework by following the “coding by convention” paradigm, providing a stand-alone development environment and hiding much of the configuration detail from the developer.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


All attendees should have a good knowledge of Java techniques, including the Collections framework and JDBC.


4 days

Course Outline

  1. Differences between Groovy and Java
  2. Compiling and executing Groovy programs
  3. The basic Groovy data types and optional typing
  4. Writing Groovy scripts
  5. Declaring classes
  6. Overriding operators and type coercion
  7. GDK: the Groovy library
  8. Groovy strings
  9. Regular expressions in Groovy
  1. Ranges
  2. Lists
  3. Maps
  4. Iterators and polymorphic algorithms
  1. Declaring closures
  2. Available options for calling closures
  1. The “Groovy truth”
  2. Conditional execution
  3. Looping constructs
  1. Groovy fields and local variables
  2. Methods and operations
  3. Safe dereferencing with the ?. operator
  4. Organizing classes in packages
  5. Using inheritance
  6. POGO’s vs. POJO’s
  1. GroovyTestCase
  2. Unit-testing Groovy code
  3. Unit-testing Java code
  4. Code coverage and automation
  1. NodeBuilder
  2. MarkupBuilder
  3. SwingBuilder
  1. Simplified File access
  2. Templates
  3. Groovlets
  1. Basic database operations
  2. DataSet operations
  3. Groovy and ORM solutions
  1. Reading and parsing XML documents
  2. Using XPath expressions
  3. Distributed processing with XML
  1. Metaclasses
  2. Injecting methods with Categories
  3. The Expandometaclass
  1. The Grails framework
  2. Creating web applications using Grails
