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Course Overview
The Dojo framework is a javascript library that WaveMaker is built on top of.In addition to providing a set of libraries useful for building applications, it also provides sets of widgets. WaveMaker tries to take the best of dojo’s widgets and where we weren’t satisfied with what dojo had to offer, we provided some of our own widgets as well.WaveMaker is built using the dojo javascript toolkit all classes are declared using dojo’s object oriented class management system and in this sense, WaveMaker and any project built with wavemaker is built using the dojo toolkit.
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
The objective of DOJO training is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the DOJO framework and its components, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The training aims to develop practical skills in building interactive and responsive web applications using DOJO. Participants will learn how to leverage DOJO’s rich feature set, including widgets, charts, and data grids, to create compelling user interfaces. The training is designed for front-end developers and web designers seeking to enhance their web development skills.
- All attendees should be experienced HTML and JavaScript developers. Prior knowledge of CSS is helpful but not required.
5 days
Course Outline
- What Dojo is and isn’t
- Our first, basic Dojo script
- How to do things the Dojo way
- Asynchronous Modules and AMD
- Requiring the code you need
- Loading Dojo
- Baseless Dojo
- dojoConfig: Configuring how Dojo is loaded
- dojo/dom: Asking for an element by name
- What do I get back? DOMNodes and Nodes
- Creating nodes
- Placing nodes
- Removing nodes
- A different way of retrieving elements
- Using CSS Selectors (up to CSS3)
- Processing NodeLists
- Accessing style information
- Changing style settings
- Array enhancements
- Function enhancements
- Working with dates
- Working with numbers and strings
- Hooking up events with dojo/on
- Removing event handlers
- Distributing events across a NodeList
- Using dojo’s publish/subscribe model
- Ajax architecture
- Dojo and Ajax: dojo/request
- Typical Ajax tasks
- Changing the content of a node
- Form processing
- Processing data with Ajax
- JSON data
- XML data
- Other dojo/request capabilities
- dojo/declare(): Creating classes
- Defining methods and properties
- Inheritance and Mixins
- Constructors
- Declarative vs programmatic UI
- Form widgets
- Layout widgets
- Other widgets
- Using customizable properties
- On-the-fly
- From scratch
- Using a template
- Creating attributes, getters and setters
- Using OO
- Adding capabilities
- Array Enhancements
- Working with Dates
- Working with Numbers and Strings
- Other Utilities Within dojo/_base/lang
- Aspect-oriented Programming with dojo/aspect
- Aspect-oriented Concepts
- Running Functions before() and after()
- Wrapping a Function around() Another Function
- Working with Functions
- JavaScript Execution Contexts
- apply() and call()
- Binding a Function with lang.hitch
- Modifying a Function’s Signature with lang.partial
- A Review of a Typical Use Case: Ajax
- The General Promise API
- Promises Realized: Deferreds
- then() in Detail
- then() vs when()
- Accessing All Promises
- Using customizable CSS properties
- On-the-fly
- Subclassing Widgets
- Adding Capabilities to Existing Widgets
- From Scratch
- Using a Template
- Creating Attributes, Getters and Setters
- Looking at Dojo from the MVC Perspective
- Establishing a Page-level Controller
- Dojo/data and Models
- Creating views with Dijit Widgets
- Using dojo/store to Store Data
- Introducing the DataGrid
- Better Data Storage with dojo/data
- Putting it all together: plugging a store into dojo components
- Configuring dojox/charting
- Creating a Simple Chart
- Providing a Theme For Your Chart
- Organizing data: Plots, Axes and Series
- Inspecting the DOM
- JavaScript Debugging
- Dojo Logging
- Dojo Unit Testing with DOH