Docker and Kubernetes
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Course Overview
Become an expert in implementing and maintaining Docker platform applications with this Docker and Kubernetes Training. Gain an in-depth understanding of user interface and navigation, users and tasks, and data administration.Further, You will understand Kubernetes architecture and its master components, like node, pods, labels, and Annotations. You will also learn to deploy apps on clusters and further expose these apps outside the cluster i.e deploy Kubernetes Cluster on Cloud server etc. and get to know, how to scale apps either manually or using auto-scaling, along with best security practices that should be followed during cluster orchestration like Providing a Unique Identity for an Application. With Cloud labs, practice populating and protecting the database, creating knowledge bases and service catalogs. Learn how to implement workflow activities and approval structure, business rules, and client scripts, and more. Get ready for Docker and Kubernetes deployment at your organization with our Docker and Kubernetes traini
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Explain Kubernetes Architecture
- Run containerized applications from pre-existing images stored in a centralized registry
- Create and Deploy Containers
- Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on Cloud Server
- Explain Pods and Distributed System Tool Kit
- Organize/Schedule Applications on Containers
- Install, maintain, and operate the Docker platform
- Stand-up new Docker environments and perform general maintenance and configuration
- Migrate traditional applications to containers
- Explain Security Practises for Cluster Orchestration.
- Know how real-world Applications are Deployed
- Basic Understanding of Linux and/or Windows Server
3 days
Course Outline
- Introduction to Containers
- Introduction to Docker
- Docker EcoSystem
- Docker Components
- Docker Architecture
- Docker Engine Components and Dataflow
- Classroom Environment With Docker setup
- Containers Creations
- Containers Operations
- Docker – Images Operations
- DockerHub
- Registry and Repositories in Docker
- Docker – Building Images
- Image Build with Dockerfile
- Deep Dive (Advanced) – Images
- Real time application image builds
- Deep Dive – Containers
- Housekeeping (Deleting dangling images, containers and volumes)
- Container Network Model
- Docker Volumes
- Persistent data in Docker Volumes
- Introduction to Microservices
- What is Kubernetes
- Why Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Cluster objects overview
- Kubernetes Cluster Installation Methods
- Production method installation for complete setup (NO minikube, No cloud based services)
- Calico Network setup for Installation
- Kubernetes communication and Architecture
- Kubernetes Pods various implementation operations
- Kubernetes Labels and Selectors various implementation operations
- Kubernetes Replicasets various implementation operations
- Kubernetes Deployments various implementation operations
- Kubernetes Services various implementation operations
- NodePort
- Cluster IP
- Load Balancers
- Kubernetes object deletion process
- Scale up an application
- Scale down an application
- Rolling updates
- Real Time Examples for Webservers like nginx, tomcat etc.
- Dashboard for Kubernetes implementation
- Other Critical Kubernetes objects and their implementation
- PV
- Secrets
- Configmaps
- HealthChecks
- Monitoring solutions for K8’s
- Deployment methods for Kubernetes ready application (helm or other related offerings)
- Final Closure