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Course Overview

The Django web development framework provides a fast, easy and secure method of developing rich websites using the Python programming language. This Django training course helps programmers learn to design, implement and manage web applications using Django. Through our Django course enable your team on how to use the Django core component set along with advanced modules techniques and third-party tools. Participants will have developed skills in a complete content-management website with user authentication advanced forms session management email notification functionality and a complete administrative interface.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • 1. Install and Configure Python and Django in a development and production environment
  • 2. Demonstrate the security implications of Django features, and develop secure websites with Django
  • 3.Utilize Django Models to build an interface with powerful relational databases
  • Django ORM
  • 4.Design and develop forms (both ad-hoc and from Models and Data Models) and automate the validation and verification of data in those forms
  • 5.Utilize Django to automate the production of Syndication Feeds (such as RSS)
  • Implement, manage, and control Django’s administrative interfaces
  • 6. Securely implement user authentication and access control using Django sessions
  • 7. Discuss how to download, install, and utilize third-party Django applications
  • 8. Utilize Django’s mail functions to send email notifications
  • 9. Leverage Django messaging system to provide asynchronous messaging
  • 10. Scale Django applications through the use of caching systems
  • 11. Implement, maintain, and manage complete e-commerce, publishing, and other content-management systems using Django


  1. Sound understanding of the Python language
  2. Basic understanding of web technologies 
  3. Basic understanding of Object Oriented programming and relational database concepts (no SQL knowledge is required)


3 days

Course Outline

  1. About Django
  2. Django Components
  1. Django Pre-Requisites
  2. Downloading & Installing Django
  3. Choosing a Database
  4. Creating a New Project
  1. About View Functions
  2. Using Django’s HttpResponse Class
  3. Understanding HttpRequest Objects
  4. Using QueryDict Objects
  1. About URLconf
  2. Regular Expressions
  3. Expression Examples
  4. Simple URLConf Examples
  5. Using Multiple URLConf’s
  6. Passing URL Arguments
  1. About Templates
  2. Template Fundamentals
  3. Creating Template Objects
  4. Loading Template Files
  5. Filling in Template Content (Context Objects)
  6. Template Filters
  7. Template Tags
  8. More on For Loops
  9. Template Inheritance
  10. Easy Rendering of Templates
  11. RequestContext Processors
  12. Global Context Processors
  1. The Forms Module
  2. Creating the Form
  3. Generating Output From the Form
  4. Customizing Field Parameters
  5. Processing Form Data
  6. Custom Form Field Validation
  7. Generating Custom Field Errors
  8. Customizing Form Output
  1. About Database Models
  2. Configuring Django for Database Access
  3. Understanding Django Apps
  4. About Django Models
  5. Defining Django Models
  6. Understanding Model Fields & Options
  7. Table Naming Conventions
  8. Creating A Django Model
  9. Adding the App to Your Project
  10. Validating the App
  11. Generating & Reviewing the SQL
  12. Adding Data to the Model
  13. Primary Keys and the Model
  14. Simple Data Retrieval Using a Model
  15. Understanding QuerySets
  16. Applying Filters
  17. Specifying Field Lookups
  18. Lookup Types
  19. Slicing QuerySets
  20. Specifying Ordering in QuerySets
  1. ORM Configuration:
  2. Mapper Configuration
  3. Relationship Configuration
  4. Inheritance Mapping
  5. Advanced Collection Configuration
  6. Configuration Extensions:
  7. Declarative Extension
  8. Association Proxy
  9. Hybrid Attrbutes
  10. Mutable Scalars
  11. Ordered List
  12. ORM Usage: Session Usage and Guidelines
  13. Query API reference
  14. Relationship Loading Techniques
  15. Using Q Objects
  16. Creating Forms from Models
  1. Enabling the Admin Interface
  2. Creating an Admin User
  1. Cookies & Django
  2. The Django Session Framework
  3. Sessions in Views
  4. Session Tuning
  5. Installing Django User Authentication
  6. Using Authentication in Views
  7. Login and Logout
  8. Building your Own Login/Logout Views
  9. Authentication Decorators
  10. Adding & Deactivating Users
  11. Asynchronous Messaging
  12. Managing Permissions
  1. Simple Generic Views
  2. Using Generic Redirects
  3. Other Generic Views
  4. Create/Update/Delete Generic views
  1. Data Caching
  2. Setting up Per-View Caching
  3. Site Caching
  1. Cross Site Request Forgery
  1. Configuring Mail Settings
  2. Sending Email
  3. Other Email Functions
