Cloud Computing Essentials




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Course Overview

This course provides participants with exposure to cloud computing resources. It provides a foundation of cloud computing, examines a number of the popular services being offered, the models for service, and the development tools used to help create cloud apps. The training is focused on the architect & developer community who will eventually perform various tasks such as architecture, consulting, development and support. This is a 30% hands-on course with demo and exercises spread throughout the session.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  1. Overall understanding of the cloud computing landscape
  2. Understanding of cloud deployment models
  3. Familiarity with cloud providers
  4. Understanding of virtualization
  5. Understanding of designing an application for the cloud
  6. Cost implications and how pay-as-you-go works in the cloud?
  7. Familiarity of the challenges of cloud computing
  8. Create and deploy a simple application on IaaS and PaaS


  1.  Applicable for Developers / Designers / Technical enthusiasts
  2. Who do programming in any language and have web application basics
  3. With understanding of RDBMS, SQL


2 days

Course Outline

  1. A short history and evolution
  2. Myths of cloud computing
  3. Cloud service models – IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS
  5. The classical enterprise
  6. Degree of abstraction
  7. Cloud computing attributes
  8. Cloud offerings – a summary
  9. Hosted managed services
  10. Deployment models (Public, Private, Hybrid)
  11. Subscription model
  12. Scalability and elasticity
  13. Cost Economics
  14. Commodity vs specialized hardware
  15. Virtualization Overview
  16. Virtualization characteristics
  17. Virtualization drawbacks
  18. Evolving IaaS to PaaS
  19. Next generation virtualization
  20. Container vis-a-vis virtualization
  21. Faceoff – virtualization / containers
  22. PaaS overview
  23. Cloud services taxonomy
  24. CAP theorem fundamentals
  25. Choice of database or datastore
  26. Types of NoSQL & What’s after NoSQL?
  27. Concepts – RF, DFS, MR
  28. Challenges in distributed computing
  29. XaaS cloud architecture example
  30. Analytics stack example
  31. Security fabric – OAuth2
  32. Diversity of programming languages
  33. Infrastructure automation & Cloud CI/CD
  34. Cloud adoption strategies
  35. Cloud adoption maturity index
  36. IOT overview
  1. Provisioning process
  2. What kind of applications are right for IaaS
  3. Regions -failover planning, proximity planning
  4. AWS overview – EC2, S3, RDS, ELB, Monitoring
  5. Google Cloud Platform – basic overview
  6. Microsoft Azure – VMs overview
  1. AWS Elasticbeanstalk – understand various options
  2. Google App Engine (GAE)
  3. Containers – intro to Docker and its components
  4. Deploy an application to Docker
  5. Tracking containers – Kubernetes (discussion)
  1. Enterprise process integration
  2. Data transfer based integration
  3. API based integration service design
  1. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS – key aspects review
  2. Monolithic app to a cloud application design
  3. Type of cloud applications
  4. Cloud transition – app evaluation
  5. NIST reference architecture
  6. Workload types and cloud fit analysis
  7. Multitenancy Data architecture
  8. Data storage compliance
  9. Approach to NoSQL modeling
  10. Cloud architecture options/patterns
  11. Stateless design principles and patters
  12. Thinking adapters
  13. Microservices
  14. Business service layer pattern
  15. Define application zones
  16. Thinking foundation
  17. Scalable and resilient app deployment
  18. Global counters and locks
  19. Example of mutex model
  20. Assemble UI on devices vs server side
  21. Responsive UI and native device applications
  22. Content deployment models – CDN
  23. Security architecture
  24. Cloud computing concerns
