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Course Overview

This is Hands-on Corporate Training program gives an introduction to Mobile Automation, shares why Appium is the future of Mobile Automation and dives into Appium testing tool. Further, participants go through how to test various Hybrid as well as Native Mobile Applications, thereby understanding the nitty gritty of testing various mobile applications.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


  1. Participants Should Be Familiar with JAVA and Selenium


3 days

Course Outline

  1. Course Agenda
  2. Appium Features
  3. What makes Appium a future of mobile Automation
  4. Appium Internal Architecture
  1. Installing Android Studio and Java
  2. Configuring System variables for both Android SDK and Java
  3. Downloading Eclipse and Installing ADT Plugin
  4. New update on Installation
  5. Configuring ADT plugin settings in Eclipse
  6. Installing Appium Server and Jars
  7. Creating Eclipse project and Configuring Appium selenium jars
  8. Brush-up Java concepts
  1. What is Xcode? Install Xcode
  2. Validating IOS Simulator and Downloading Java
  3. Installing Eclipse IDE for MAC
  4. Downloading Appium/Selenium Jars
  1. Program on Invoking Apps
  2. UI Automator Tool to identify objects
  3. Automating app UI Using of ID, Xpath ClassNames
  4. Appium API's for UI interaction
  5. Mobile Gestures Automation
  6. UI Selector class in handling Advanced API's
  7. AndroidKeyEvents Handling
  8. Procedure for downloading App in Emulator(Virtual devices)
  9. Automation on real devices
  10. Invoking App with package Activity
  11. Example on package name and Activity Invoking apps
  12. Live Examples on Device APPS
  1. Desired Capabilities concepts
  2. Invoking Android Virtual Device
  3. First Program explaining Mobile Capabilities
  4. Android Driver Invocation
  1. Practice Exercise-1 (Covers Mobile Gestures)
  2. Practice Exercise- 1.2 (Covers Core Appium Api)
  3. Languages App- Testcases to Automate
  4. Practice Exercise 2.1-(Appium+Webdriver logic)
  5. Practice Exercise 2.2- (Android Key Events)
  6. Ecommerce App-Installing app into Device
  7. Practice Exercise -3.1-Handling Image Banners
  8. Practice Exercise -3.2-Handling Scrollable Menu, Popups
  9. Practice Exercise -3.3-Handling checkboxes, radio buttons, Dynamic Texts
  1. Chrome Browser Configuration setup in Mobile
  2. Automating the Chrome Mobile Browser
  3. UserAgent-Identifying objects in Mobile Browser
  4. Automating Mobile Specific Web Sites
  5. Exercise on Real Device-Mobile Browser Automation
  6. Troubleshooting the Real device to make recognize
  1. Exercise 1.2 -Getting Xpaths from Mobile Browser
  2. Exercise-1.1 -Chrome Remote Debugging Technique
  3. Exercise-1.3 -Automating Udemy Site in Mobile Browser
  1. Problem – Description
  2. Identifying frames from Html view
  3. Element Hidden or Invisible-How to validate
  4. Writing Generic functions to Identify Frames/Windows
  5. Example Demonstrating Multiple Frames
  6. Handling Auto suggestive dropdown options
  7. Dynamic data loading- Exception Techniques
  1. Hybrid Apps features and ways to test them
  2. Views switching Mechanism
  3. Example of Hybrid App handling
  1. IOS Testing Introduction
  2. IOS App Download
  3. Desired Capabilities for invoking IOS Apps
  4. IOS Driver Invocation
  5. Running IOS first Automation Testcase
  6. How to Identify objects in IOS App- Appium Inspector
  7. Magic of Appium Inspector on IOS Apps
  8. Handling IOS Controls with Appium
  9. Practice Exercise on Switches -1
  10. Practice Exercise on Scrolling Cycles -2
  11. Practice Exercise on Scrolling wheels -2.1
  12. Handling IOS Alerts Buttons with Appium
  13. Practice Exercise on Alerts -3
  14. Safari Mobile Browser Automation configuration
  15. User-agent to get Safari Browser objects
  16. Practice Exercise on Safari Mobile Browser
  1. TestNG Installation and Setup in Eclipse
  2. TestNG Basic Annotations role in designing Framework
  3. TestNg Annotations in depth
  4. Importance of TestNG Prerequisite Annotations
  5. Annotations code dump download
  6. Importance of TestNG XML file in Framework
  7. Including and excluding the Test cases from Execution with TestNG XML file
  1. What is Page object model?
  2. Creating Page object Constructor in classes
  3. Object repository Mechanism
  4. Practical Exercise explaining Page object Model
  1. Data driving from Excel for feeding data into Appium Testcases
  2. what is Apace POI API & Download Instructions
  3. Excel API Methods explanation
  4. Program for Retrieving data from excel
  5. Program for Updating data back to excel
  6. Code download on Excel API
  7. DataDriven Testing Using POI and TestNG
  1. Introduction to Maven
  2. Configuration of Maven
  3. Creating a basic Maven Project
  4. Importance of Maven POM.xml file
  5. Creating Appium-Maven project
  6. Importing Appium Maven dependencies
  7. Running Appium scripts in Maven
  8. Framework Part5-Integrating TestNG with Maven
  9. Creating TestngXMl file for Appium Maven Project
  10. Creating Multiple Testsuites and configuring them in XML files
  11. Running Appium Server Programmatically
  12. Creating a Bat file and commands to trigger Appium server
  13. Appium Server start Code
  14. Creating Multiple TestNG profiles and triggering from Maven
  15. Running end to end framework on a single click with Maven
  16. Framework Part 6-Scheduling in Jenkins CI Tool
  1. Installing & Configuring Jenkins for Appium Project
  2. Deploying Framework in Jenkins and Triggering the build
  3. Scheduling the Framework to run at 10 AM daily with Jenkins
  4. Jenkins Commands
