



24x7 Support

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Course Overview

Ansible is an automation and orchestration platform famous for its simplicity of deployment, ease of use regarding customer communication, lack of agent for attentive customers and abundance of skills.In this course, we’ll dive deep into Ansible’s key concepts and explain Ansible’s need, its workflow, and much more.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the concept of Ansible
  2. Define Ansible playbooks
  3. Discuss Ansible in-depth


Hands-on experience with running commands into a Linux shell


2 days

Course Outline

  1. Getting started with Ansible
  2. Deep dive with internals of Ansible configuration files
  3. Deep dive with connection types of Ansible
  4. Ansible statistic inventory
  5. Exploring Ansible inventory
  6. Ansible Architecture and Components
  7. Using Ansible-doc for modules
  8. Using and understanding Ansible modules
  1. Using multi Plays and playbook
  2. Importing tasks and playbooks
  3. Using tags in Ansible
  4. Use cases of tags
  5. Ansible syntax-check and dry-run
  6. Working with modules like, yum, dnf, service, lineinfile, replace, get_url, apt, firewalld, debug, user, file
  7. Using Ansible verbose with playbooks
  8. Storing output into a tree
  9. Starting with Ansible variables
  10. Variables with files, inventory variables, group_vars, host_vars
  1. Ansible facts
  2. Use Ansible facts with playbooks
  3. Use jinja templates
  4. Usage of Ansible facts and variables
  5. Attaching windows instances using Winrm connection type
  6. Security threats with PowerShell
  7. Ansible Conditions, Loops and Block
  1. Install multiple software from a list using loops
  2. Run multiple commands with loops and condition
  3. Writing multi-vendor playbook under a single playbook
  4. Ansible acceleration
  5. Forks, delegation, privilege escalation, serial use cases, rolling updates
  1. Ansible vault
  2. Error handling
  3. Use of vault with prompt and file for encryption
  4. Handling AWX project with ansible tower
  5. Running ansible playbooks with ansible tower
  6. Writing multi role playbooks to deploy database, web server, firewall on remote system
  7. Testing strategy
