



24x7 Support

Lifetime Access


Course Overview

TypeScript is a free and open source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming to the language.

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:


  1. HTML Essential Training
  2. CSS Fundamentals Training
  3. Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap Essential Training .


5 days

Course Outline

  1. Introducing TypeScript
  2. Defining “JavaScript”
  3. Writing your first TypeScript function
  4. Configuring Your Environment
  5. Choosing your TypeScript editor
  6. Installing TypeScript
  7. Creating a TypeScript project
  1. Reviewing ES6 language features
  2. Default parameters
  3. Template strings
  4. Let and const
  5. For…of loops
  6. Lambdas
  7. Destructuring
  8. The spread operator
  9. Computed properties
  1. Introducing JavaScript types
  2. Understanding type inference
  3. Specifying JavaScript types
  4. Specifying function parameter types
  5. Adding function overloads
  1. Defining custom types with interfaces
  2. Using interfaces to describe functions
  3. Extending interface definitions
  4. Defining constant values with enums
  5. Defining anonymous types
  1. Understanding prototypical inheritance
  2. Defining a class
  3. Applying static properties
  4. Making properties smarter with accessors
  5. Inheriting behavior from a base class
  6. Implementing an abstract class
  7. Controlling visibility with access modifiers
  8. Implementing interfaces
  1. Introducing generics
  2. Creating generic classes
  3. Applying generic constraints
  1. Understanding the need for modules in JavaScript
  2. Organizing your code with namespaces
  3. Using namespaces to encapsulate private members
  4. Understanding the difference between internal and external modules
  5. Switching from internal to external modules
  6. Importing modules using CommonJS syntax
  7. Importing modules using ECMAScript 2015 syntax
  8. Loading external modules
  1. Introducing the sample JavaScript application
  2. Converting existing JavaScript code to TypeScript
  3. Generating declaration files
  4. Referencing third-party libraries
  5. Converting to external modules
  6. Debugging TypeScript with source maps
  1. Implementing method decorators
  2. Implementing class decorators
  3. Implementing property decorators
  4. Implementing decorator factories
